About Me

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Words in sound and in print make me smile. I love to create in any medium: paint, dance, photography, poetry, song, composition...and the list goes on. I am a fromagephile. I love thunderstorms and clowns terrify me.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Aperture and Fog

I find it fascinating that when the eye focuses on something near,
the background becomes just a blur. The farther away it focuses,
the more the rest of the "image" or "view" also comes into focus,
although the foreground then starts to blur.

I never really noticed depth of focus with my own eyes until I saw it through a lens.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Missed Mediums

       A Recent India Ink and Watercolor: Oh, I have missed these mediums.

        Lately I have been really taken with the works of Don Hong Oai and Rodney Smith (his photographs taken in B & W in particular). You can click on their names to see some of their prints.

        Simplicity and two moments merged into one is how I would explain Mr. Oai's pictures. I want to take that and Smith's ability to combine elegance with unexpected childness (not childishness:) and explore them in India Ink with watercolour in a monochromatic scale. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nightscape and Littlefoot

My niece adores Dinosaurs, and so did I when I was young. 
I'm sure that "Land Before Time" may have been the starting point for both of us,
and we may have looked for the green valley too.

Dream big and don't worry when roadblocks come.
They are very often steps in a staircase we can't see.

When light dances on water I see music move.


Tomorrow is my 
kept in a cage 
that can
only be released with

Goodly Whole

Look and find,
Listen to hear,
Leap no fear,
Leave in light.