About Me

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Words in sound and in print make me smile. I love to create in any medium: paint, dance, photography, poetry, song, composition...and the list goes on. I am a fromagephile. I love thunderstorms and clowns terrify me.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Missed Mediums

       A Recent India Ink and Watercolor: Oh, I have missed these mediums.

        Lately I have been really taken with the works of Don Hong Oai and Rodney Smith (his photographs taken in B & W in particular). You can click on their names to see some of their prints.

        Simplicity and two moments merged into one is how I would explain Mr. Oai's pictures. I want to take that and Smith's ability to combine elegance with unexpected childness (not childishness:) and explore them in India Ink with watercolour in a monochromatic scale. 

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