About Me

My photo
Words in sound and in print make me smile. I love to create in any medium: paint, dance, photography, poetry, song, composition...and the list goes on. I am a fromagephile. I love thunderstorms and clowns terrify me.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Designing for Fun

 These designs are all just for fun and hopefully
will make a few people smile. 

Aaack ,the kerning...sighs...whelp, let's just pretend it 
was a conscious choice.

I'm not a realist, pessimist or an optimist; I am a dreamist.


Bridget said...

Hey, so do you design cute, custom blog headers for fun? Because I know someone who has a really boring one...

Ananda Henriksen said...

haha:) Yes, of course I do for you!

Bridget said...

Hhaha :D
Well... if you're ever bored I'd love something that fits us. Our blog header is driving me nuts but I have no idea what to do with it.
PS, I pinned one of your things and it's going around now. :) You are pretty rad!