About Me

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Words in sound and in print make me smile. I love to create in any medium: paint, dance, photography, poetry, song, composition...and the list goes on. I am a fromagephile. I love thunderstorms and clowns terrify me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Find from Time

I found this poem I wrote a long time ago so it's not a recent creation
but it was fun to read it again. I wrote it one time
when I was especially hoping to be able to be a mother someday.
It's still one of my greatest dreams even though I'm not married
yet. I've since learned that I can learn to be mothering if not a mother.

A great cavern in my heart brims with love and tenderness,
but there is missing the very core black in its emptyness,
white as a wall ready to be painted.
I cannot hope for that which I do not miss, and yet....
How sweet would be the colors, and what
patterns we could paint in layers thickly spread
with loving laughter as we coated ourselves in
a mural of memories and moments,
But not yet,
I only have these borrowed little smiles
not truly mine but enough to start painting.

1 comment:

Britt said...

Wow Ananda, that is really good! You're awesome :)